Odiogo Audio Food

Enjoy that feeling of sitting with the morning cup all the way through the afternoon, thinking, "Aw crap. I gotta go, I'm gonna be late!"................ Yeah, keep thinkin' that......... <-- copyright 2006+ by Dan Prowse -->

Saturday, January 27, 2007

The Coffenut or the Donoffee?

Well, I am already a Coffee Nut, so that could work. The Donoffee sounds good too.
I just can not decide.

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Urine, Criminy Craft's Land of Big Puffy "Pillows", United States
About Adult Content: "Does anyone know who at Google Blogger I can contact about the following issue? Now anytime someone visits my site, they get an adult content warning. I'm glad they get a warning, but I'm not pleased with the warning they get - a canned "Some readers of this blog have contacted Google because they believe this blog's content is objectionable." Yeah, that someone was ME, the creator of the blog. To have a message saying "readers have contacted Google because htey believe this blog's content is objectionable" is just flat out lying. And there's such an easy solution. Just change the warning to: "The creator of this blog feels that some of the material may be innappropriate for people under the age of 18." Blogger, do not stigmatize my blog with a message that lies; rather, enable me, the creator of the blog to state the case my self and show that I'm actually acting responsibly and choosing to call out the content myself. I hope you will consider making this change. I think it is a reasonable one. The Phantom" EDITED I'm all for Sweden abolishing marriage, because marriage is for Pygmis!